How to make a Benchmark
A benchmark is a measurement of performance in order to compare ICT products and how they interact with different synergies of the Circular Economy. This analysis will enable a comparison between products with their projected life cycle for reuse or recycling, depending on which benchmark corresponds to which product and how it’s comparable to other benchmarks of other products. Also, this benchmark will include the characteristics of the product (such as processing performance, energy consumption, and capacity), and the emissions created by the analyzed product between manufacturing, distribution, and use.
This kind of measurement goes hand in hand with the EU commission's efforts to standardize the use and interconnectivity of ICT products. These standardization efforts have been consistent in the last 9 years to construct a common dialogue between companies, organizations, nations, and multi-lateral organisms and institutions. Also, the technical dimension of the endeavor is well attended by representatives of academic and industry stakeholders in different institutions and standardization centers of the EU.
To create a benchmark the EU takes into account two approaches: minimum performance criteria and best practice performance criteria. The minimum performance criteria are considered to provide benchmarks for industry performance within the supply market. Best practices performance refers to the ideal performance of the discussed product. In the case of a benchmark created to measure to Circular Economy potential of an ICT inventory, we will find a minimum performance that will entitle the minimum processing performance needed to use standard software used by any industry (namely software and office programs) and the emissions of such products. This compound number will be our benchmark to analyze the potential circularity of a given ICT inventory.