Carbon Savings Calculator: ReSource

Andres Valongo, Domingo Noguera
July 12, 2022

In order to develop any digital ecosystem it is necessary, I would say fundamental, to develop a structure that can calculate an optimal estimate of the CO2e emissions of ICT products.

Circular Technologies has developed for this purpose the "ReSource Carbon Calculator", the first tool ever developed that allows to calculate a real estimate of financial savings, and the amount of CO2e saved with a certification, valid for non-financial budgets already mandatory for large companies.

Through the use of the dedicated digital platform, which includes the "ReSource Carbon Calculator", any actor can draw on the data necessary for its purpose as: to evaluate and possibly sell used devices to both reconditioners and scrapers, design the new fleet devices choosing, according to the corresponding benchmarks, the devices (Laptop, PC, monitor, server, network equipment, mobile devices, etc. etc.) to him more appropriate.

It will be possible to have, in addition to the tracking of the entire life cycle of the equipment, the calculation of savings in economic terms and, above all, the calculation of CO2 emissions saved, certifying them at the end of the transaction. The calculator has been developed taking into account all the variables and its approval through the life cycle assessment produced in collaboration with the specialised company Life Cycle Engineering.